[1] [2] [3] With hir also came Iasper earle of Penbroke, and Iohn earle of Oxford,The earles [...] Penbroke [...] Oxford. which after diuerse impri|sonments latelie escaped, fled out of England into France, and came by fortune to this assemblie. These persons, after intreatie had of their affaires, deter|mined by meanes of the French king to conclude a league and amitie betweene them.A league. And first to begin withall, for the sure foundation of their new intrea|tie,Edward prince of Wales m [...]|ried. Edward prince of Wales wedded Anne second daughter to the earle of Warwike, which ladie came with hir mother into France. After which mariage, the duke and the earles tooke a solemne oth, that they should neuer leaue the warre, till either king Henrie the sixt, or his sonne prince Edward, were restored to the crowne: and that the quéene and the prince [page 675] should depute and appoint the duke and the earle to be gouernors & conseruators of the common wealth, till time the prince were come to estate. Manie other conditions were agréed, as both reason & the weigh|tinesse of so great businesse required.