[1] [2] [3] The earle, hauing this aduertisement from his feigned enimie, with his nauie sailed toward Nor|mandie, and by the waie spoiled and tooke manie ships of the duke of Burgognies subiects, and at the last (with all his nauie and spoiles) he tooke land at Diepe in Normandie,The earle of Warwike la [...]|ded at Diepe. where the gouernor of the countrie friendlie welcomed him, and aduertised king Lewes of his arriuall. The French king, de|sirous of nothing more than to haue occasion to plea|sure the erle of Warwike, of whom the hie renowme caused all men to haue him in admiration, sent vn|to him, requiring both him and his sonne in law the duke of Clarence, to come vnto his castell of Am|bois, where he men soiourned.Ambois. The duke of Bur|gognie, hearing that the duke and earle were thus receiued in France, sent a post with letters vnto king Lewes, partlie by waie of request, and partlie by way of menacing, to dissuade him from aiding of his aduersaries, the said duke and earle.