[1] The king aduertised hereof, without delaie prepa|red an armie, and out of hand he sent to Richard lord Welles, willing him vpon the sight of his letters, to repaire vnto him: which to doo he had oftentimes re|fused, excusing himselfe by sickenesse and feeblenesse of bodie. But when that excuse serued not, he thin|king to purge himselfe sufficientlie of all offense and blame before the kings presence, tooke with him sir Thomas Dimmocke, who had maried his sister,Sir Tho|mas Dim|mocke. and so came to London. And when he was come vp, being admonished by his fréends that the king was greatlie with him displeased, he [...]ith his brothe [...] in law tooke the sanctuarie at Wes [...]minster.