[1] [2] The Welshmen, thinking that the earle of War|wike had come on them with all his puissance, sud|denlie as men amazed, fled: the northerne men them pursued, and slue without mercie, so that there died of the Welshmen that daie,The Welsh|men slaine. aboue fiue thousand, be|sides them that fled and were taken. The earle of Penbroke, and his brother sir Richard Herbert, with diuerse gentlemen, were taken and brought to Ban|berie, where the earle with his brother, and other gen|tlemen, to the number of ten, that were likewise ta|ken, lost their heads. But great mone was made for that noble and hardie gentleman, sir Richard Her|bert, being able for his goodlie personage and high valiancie, to haue serued the greatest prince in chri|stendome. Abr. Flem. [But what policie or puissance can either preuent or impugne the force of fate, whose law as it standeth vpon an ineuitable necessitie; so was it not to be dispensed withall; and therfore destinie hauing preordeined the maner of his deth, it was patientlie to be suffered, sith puissantlie it could not be auoided, nor politikelie preuented, nor violentlie resisted: for
—sua quen dies ad funera raptat.]