[1] [2] The earle of Penbroke did right valiantlie,The valiant manhood of sir Richard Herbert. and so likewise did his brother sir Richard Herbert, in so much that with his polax in his hand, he twise by fine force passed thorough the battell of his aduersa|ries, and without anie hurt or mortall wound retur|ned. But sée the hap, euen as the Welshmen were at point to haue obteined the victorie, Iohn Clap|pam esquier, seruant to the earle of Warwike,Iohn Clap|pam. mounted vp the side of the east hill, accompanied [page 673] onelie with fiue hundred men, gathered of the ras|cals of the towne of Northampton, and other villa|ges about, hauing borne before them the standard of the earle of Warwike, with the white beare, crieng; A Warwike, a Warwike.