[1] [2] When these two lords were met at Cotteshold, they heard how the northerne men were going to|ward Northampton: wherevpon the lord Stafford, and sir Richard Herbert, with two thousand well hor|sed Welshmen, rode foorth afore the maine armie, to sée the demeanour of the northerne men: and at length, vnder a woods side, they couertlie espied them passing forward, and suddenlie set on the rere-ward: but the northerne men with such nimblenesse turned about,The Welsh|men discom|fited. that in a moment the Welshmen were dis|comfited, and manie taken, the remnant returned to the armie with small gaine. The northerne men well cooled with this small victorie, went no further south|wards, but tooke their waie toward Warwike, loo|king for aid of the earle, which was latelie come from Calis, with his sonne in law the duke of Cla|rence, and was raising men to aid his freends and kinsfolke.