[1] The earle of Penbroke, commnolie called the lord Herbert, both readie to obeie the kings commande|ment, according to his dutie, and also desirous to re|uenge the malice which he bare to the earle of War|wike, for that he knew how he had béene the onelie let whie he obteined not the wardship of the lord Bonneuilles daughter and heire for his eldest sonne, accompanied with his brother sir Richard Herbert, a valiant knight, and aboue six or seauen thousand Welshmen, well furnished, marched forward to in|counter with the northerne men. And to assist him with archers, was appointed Humfrie lord Stafford of Southwike,The lord Stafford. named but not created earle of De|uonshire by the king, in hope that he would serue va|liantlie in that iournie: he had with him eight hun|dred archers.