[1] [2] After they saw that they could not get Yorke, bi|cause they wanted ordinance, they determined with all speed to march toward London, intending to raise such a toie in the peoples minds, that they should thinke king Edward neither to be a lawfull prince, nor yet profitable to the common-wealth. King Ed|ward hauing perfect knowledge of all the dooings of the earle of Warwike, and of his brother the duke of Clarence, was by diuerse letters certified of the great armie of the northerne men, with all spéed comming toward London; and therefore in great hast he sent to William lord Herbert,The earle of Penbroke. whom (as yée haue heard) he had created earle of Penbroke; requi|ring him without delaie to raise his power, and in|counter with the northerne men.