[1] [2] [3] Some saie he did it, to the intent to séeme inno|cent and faultlesse of his brothers dooings. But other iudge, that he did it, for that contrarie to his promise made to his brother, he was determined to take part with king Edward, with whome (as it shall af|ter appeare) he in small space entered into grace and fauour. The rebels being nothing dismaied with the death of their capteine, but rather the more bent on mischéefe, by faire meanes and craftie persuasions got to them Henrie, sonne to the lord Fitz Hugh, and sir Henrie Neuill sonne and heire to the lord Lati|mer, the one being nephue and the other cousine ger|mane to the erle of Warwike. Although these yoong gentlemen bare the names of capteins, yet they had a gouernour that was sir Iohn Coniers,Sir Iohn Coniers. a man of such courage & valiantnesse, as few were to be found in his daies within the north parts.