[1] Shortlie after, the conspiracie of the euill disposed people grew to an open rebellion,A rebellion. so that there as|sembled to the number of fifteene thousand men, e|uen readie bent to set on the citie of Yorke. But the lord marquesse Montacute, gouernour and president of that countrie for the king, taking spéedie counsell in the matter, with a small number of men, but well chosen, incountred the rebels before the gates of Yorke: where (after a long conflict) he tooke Robert Huldorne their capteine,Robert Hul|dorne capteine of the reb [...]ls taken and be|headed. and before them comman|ded his head to be striken off, and then (bicause it was a darke euening) he caused his souldiers to enter in|to Yorke, and there to refresh them. Héere manie men haue maruelled, whie the marquesse thus put to death the capteine of those people, which had procu|red this their rebellious enterprise.