[1] [2] [3] The bastard hearing this iudgement, doubted the sequele of the matter; and so relinquished his challenge. Other challenges were doone, and vali|antlie atchiued by the Englishmen, which I passe o|uer.The death of the duke of Burgognie. Shortlie after came sorowfull tidings to the ba|stard, that his father duke Philip was dead, who there|vpon taking his leaue of king Edward, and of his sister the new duchesse of Burgognie, liberallie re|warded with plate and iewels, with all spéed retur|ned to his brother the new duke, who was not a little glad of the contract made for him with the said ladie, as after well appeared. In this same yeare, king Ed|ward, more for the loue of the marques Montacute,George Ne|uill archbi|shop of Yorke. than for anie fauour he bare to the earle of War|wike, promoted George Neuill their brother to the archbishoprike of Yorke.