[1] [2] [3] [4] The king causing lists to be prepared in West|smithfield for these champions, and verie faire and costlie galleries for the ladies, was present at this martiall enterprise himselfe. The first daie they ran togither diuerse courses with sharpe speares, and de|parted with equall honor. The next day they turnei|ed on horssebacke. The lord Scales horsse had on his chafron a long sharpe pike of steele, and as the two champions coped togither, the same horsse (whether thorough custome or by chance) thrust his pike into the nosethrils of the bastards horsse; so that for verie paine he mounted so high, that he fell on the one side with his maister, and the lord Scales rode round a|bout him with his sword in his hand, vntill the king commanded the marshall to helpe vp the bastard, which openlie said;
I can not hold me by the clouds, for though my horsse faileth me, suerlie I will not faile my contercompanion.The king would not suf|fer them to doo anie more that daie.