[1] [2] This message being declared, ye may be sure the same was ioifullie heard of the king and his coun|cell; the which by that affinitie, saw how they might be assured of a buckler against France. But yet the earle of Warwike, bearing his heartie fauour vnto the French king, did as much as in him laie by euill reports to hinder this marriage: but this notwith|standing, at length, the king granted to the bastards request; and the said bastard openlie in the kings great chamber contracted the said ladie Margaret, for, and in the name of his brother the said earle of Charolois.Iusts betwixt the bastard of Burgognie & the lord Scales. After this marriage thus concluded, the bastard challenged the lord Scales, brother to the queene, a man both equall in hart and valiantnesse with the bastard, to fight with him both on horsse|backe, and on foot: which demand the lord Scales gladlie accepted.