[1] [2] This was Charles earle of Charolois, the sonne and heire apparant vnto Philip duke of Burgognie, which Charles being then a widower, was counsel|led to be suter vnto king Edward, for to haue in mariage the ladie Margaret, sister to the said king, a ladie of excellent beautie, and indued with so manie worthie gifts of nature, grace, and fortune, that she was thought not vnworthie to match with the greatest prince of the world.1467 Anno Reg. [...] The lord Anthonie ba|stard brother to the said earle Charolois, commonlie [page 669] called the bastard of Burgognie,The bastard of Burgognie ambassadour into England. a man of great wit, courage, and valiantnesse, was appointed by his father duke Philip, to go into England in ambas|sage, about this sute; who being furnished of plate and apparell, necessarie for his estate, hauing in his companie gentlemen, and other expert in all feats of chiualrie and martiall prowesse, to the number of foure hundred horsses, tooke his ship, and arriued in England, where he was of the king & nobles honou|rablie receiued.