[1] [2] All men for the most part agrée, that this marri|age was the onlie cause, why the earle of Warwike conceiued an hatred against king Edward, whome he so much before fauoured. Other affirme other cau|ses; and one speciallie, for that king Edward did at|tempt a thing once in the earles house, which was much against the earles honest is (whether he would haue deflour [...]d his daughter or his néece, the certein|tie was not for both their honours openlie reuealed) for suerlie, such a thing was attempted by king Ed|ward; which loued well both to behold and also to féele faire damsels. But whether the iniurie that the earle thought he receiued at the kings hands, or the dis|daine of authoritie that the earle had vnder the king, was the cause of the breach of amitie betwixt them: truth it is, that the priuie intentions of their harts brake into so manie small peeces, that England, France, and Flanders, could neuer ioine them a|gaine, during their naturall liues.