[1] [2] [3] But yet the duchesse of Yorke his moother letted this match as much as in hir laie: & when all would not serue, she caused a precontract to be alleged, made by him with the ladie Elizabeth Lucie. But all doubts resolued, all things made cléere, and all cauillations auoided, priuilie in a morning he mar|ried the said ladie Elizabeth Graie at Grafton be|foresaid, where he first began to fansie hir. And in the next yere after she was with great solemnitie crow|ned queene at Westminster.1465 Anno Reg. 5. Hir father also was created earle Riuers, and made high constable of England: hir brother lord Anthonie was married to the sole heire of Thomas lord Scales: sir Thomas Graie sonne to sir Iohn Graie the quéenes first hus|band, was created marques Dorset, and married to Cicelie heire to the lord Bonuille. The French king was not well pleased to be thus dallied with; but he shortlie (to appease the gréefe of his wife and hir sister the ladie Bona) married the said ladie Bona to the duke of Millan.