[1] He was no sooner entred, but he was knowne and taken of one Cantlow,King Henrie taken. and brought toward the king, whom the earle of Warwike met on the way by the kings commandement, and brought him through London to the Tower, & there he was laid in sure hold. ¶But it is woorthie the noting, which I haue obserued in a late chronographers report tou|ching this matter; Abr. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 717. namelie, that king Henrie was taken in Cletherwood, beside Bungerleie Hipping|stons in Lancashire, by Thomas Talbot sonne and heire to sir Edward Talbot of Basshall, and Iohn Talbot his cosin of Colebrie, which deceiued him be|ing at his dinner at Wadington hall, and brought him toward London, with his legs bound to the stir|rups, where he was met by the earle of Warwike, and arested at Esildon; doctor Manning deane of Windsor, doctor Bedle, and yoong Ellerton being in his companie, with their feet bound vnder the horsse bellies were brought also to the Tower of London.]