[1] [2] King Edward, though all things might séeme now to rest in good case,1464 Anno Reg. 4. yet he was not negligent, in making necessarie prouision against all attempts of his aduersarie king Henrie, and his partakers; and therefore raised bulworks, and builded fortres|ses on ech side of his realme, where anie danger was suspected for the landing of anie armie. He caused al|so espials to be laid vpon the marches, fore against Scotland, that no person should go out of the realme to king Henrie and his companie, which then soiour|ned in Scotland. But all the doubts of trouble that might insue by the means of king Henries being at libertie, were shortlie taken away and ended: for he himselfe, whether he was past all feare; or that hée was not well established in his wits and perfect mind; or for that he could not long kéepe himselfe se|cret, in disguised atire boldlie entred into England.