[1] [2] [3] They first besieged the castell of Alnewike, which sir Peter Bressie and the Frenchmen kept,Alnewike ca|stell besieged. and in no wise would yƩeld, sending for aid to the Scots. Wher|vpon sir George Dowglas erle of Angus, with thir|teene thousand chosen men, in the day time came and rescued the Frenchmen out of the castell; the Eng|lishmen looking on, which thought it much better to haue the castell without losse of their men, than to leese both the castell and their men, considering the great power of the Scots, & their owne small num|ber; and so they entered the castell and manned it. Af|ter this, they woone the castell of Dunstanburgh by force, and likewise the castell of Banburgh. Iohn Gois, seruant to the duke of Summerset, being ta|ken within Dunstanburgh, was brought to Yorke, and there beheaded.