[1] [2] King Henrie was a good horsseman that day, for he rode so fast awaie that no man might ouertake him;King Henrie fled. and yet he was so néere pursued, that certeine of his henchmen were taken, their horsses trapped in blue veluet, and one of them had on his head the said king Henries helmet, or rather (as may be thought, & as some say) his high cap of estate, called Abacot, gar|nished with two rich crownes, which was presented to king Edward at Yorke the fourth day of Maie. The duke of Summerset was incontinentlie behea|ded at Exham;The duke of Summerset beheaded. the other lords and knights were had to Newcastell, and there (after a little respit) were likewse put to death. Beside these, diuerse other, to the number of fiue and twentie, were executed at Yorke, and in other places.