[1] The Lord Montacute then hauing such with him as he might trust,The lord Montacute. marched foorth towards his eni|mies, and by the waie was incountered with the lord Hungerford, the lord Roos, sir Rafe Persie, and diuerse other, at a place called Hegelie moore, where suddenlie the said lords,Hegelie moore. in maner without stroke striking, fled; and onelie sir Rafe Persie abode, and was there manfullie slaine,Sir Rafe Persie. with diuerse other, sai|eng when he was dieng; I haue saued the bird in my bosome: meaning that he had kept his promise and oth made to king Henrie: forgetting (belike) that he in king Henries most necessitie abandoned him, and submitted him to king Edward, as before you haue heard.