[1] All this season was king Henrie in Scotland, and quéene Margaret (being in France) found such friendship at the French kings hands,1463 Anno Reg. 3. that she ob|teined a crue of fiue hundred Frenchmen, with the which she arriued in Scotland.The quéene returneth foorth of France. And after that she had reposed hir selfe a time, she sailed with hir gallant band of those ruffling Frenchmen toward Newca|stell, and landed at Tinmouth. But whether she were afraid of hir owne shadow, or that the Frenchmen cast too manie doubts; the truth is, that the whole ar|mie returned to their ships, and a tempest rose so sud|denlie, that if she had not taken a small carauell, and that with good spéed arriued at Berwike, she had beene taken at that present time by hir aduersaries.