[1] [2] Beside this, Henrie Bourchier brother to Thomas archbishop of Canturburie, was created earle of Es|sex; and William lord Fauconbridge was made earle of Kent. To this Henrie lord Bourchier, a man highlie renowned in martiall feats, Richard duke of Yorke long before this time, had giuen his sister Eli|zabeth in mariage, of whome he begat foure sonnes, William, Thomas, Iohn, and Henrie: the which William being a man of great industrie, wit, and prouidence in graue and weightie matters, maried the ladie Anne Wooduile, descended of high paren|tage, whose mother Iaquet was daughter to Peter of Lutzenburgh earle of saint Paule, by the which Anne he had lord Henrie earle of Essex, one daugh|ter named Cicile, maried to Water lord Ferrers of Chartleie and an other called Isabell, which died vn|maried.