[1] [2] [3] The yoong king of Scots, lamenting the misera|ble state of king Henrie, comforted him with faire words and friendlie promises, and assigned to him a competent pension to liue on, during his abode in Scotland. King Henrie, in recompense of this cour|tesie and friendship, deliuered to the king of Scots the towne of Berwike, whereof he had got possessi|on. He faithfullie supported the part of king Henrie, and concluded a mariage betwixt his sister, and the yoong prince of Wales, but the same was neuer con|summate, as after ye shall heare. When king Henrie was somwhat setled in the relme of Scotland,Queene Mar|garet with hir sonne goeth into France. he sent his wife and his sonne into France to king Reiner hir father, trusting by his aid and succour to assemble an armie, and once againe to recouer his right and dignitie: but he in the meane time made his aboad in Scotland, to see what waie his friends in England would studie for his restitution.