[1] [2] After this great victorie, king Edward rode to Yorke, where he was with all solemnitie receiued; and first he caused the heads of his father, the earle of Salisburie, and other his freends, to be taken from the gates, and to be buried with their bodies: and there he caused the earle of Deuonshire, and thrée o|ther to be beheaded, and set their heads in the same place.King Henrie withdraweth to Berwike, & from thence into Scot|land. King Henrie, after he heard of the irrecouer|able losse of his armie, departed incontinentlie with his wife and sonne to the towne of Berwike, and lea|uing the duke of Summerset there, went into Scot|land, and comming to the king of Scots, required of him and his councell, aid, and comfort.