[1] [2] This deadlie conflict continued ten houres in doubtfull state of victorie, vncerteinlie heauing and setting on both sides; but in the end, king Edward so couragiouslie comforted his men, that the other part was discomfited and ouercome,King Henries part discomfi|ted. who like men a|mazed, fled toward Tadcaster bridge to saue them|selues, where in the mid waie is a little brooke cal|led Cocke, not verie broad, but of a great déepenesse, in which,Cocke or ri|uer. what for hast to escape, and what for feare of their followers, a great number was drowned there. It was reported, that men aliue passed the riuer vp|on dead carcasses, and that the great riuer of Wharfe whereinto that brooke dooth run, and of all the water comming from Towton, was coloured with bloud.