[1] [2] [3] So their shot almost spent, the lord Fauconbridge marched forward with his archers, which not onelie shot their whole sheafes, but also gathered the ar|rowes of their enimies, and let a great part flie a|gainst their first owners, and suffered a great sort of them to stand, which sore troubled the legs of the nor|therne men, when the battell ioined. The earle of Northumberland and Andrew Trollop,The earle [...] Northu [...]|berland. chiefe cap|teins of king Henries vawward, séeing their shot not to preuaile, hasted to ioine with their enimies, and the other part slacked not their pase. This battell [page 665] was sore foughten, for hope of life was set aside on either part, & taking of prisoners proclamed a great offense,The obstinate minds of b [...]th parts. so euerie man determined to vanquish or die in the field.