[1] [2] When this conflict was ended at Ferribridge, the lord Fauconbridge, hauing the fore-ward,The lord Faucon|bridge. bicause the duke of Norffolke was fallen sicke, valiantlie vp|on Palmesundaie in the twilight set foorth his armie and came to Saxton,Saxton. Whethamsted saith, that K. Hẽries powe [...] excéeded in number king Edwards [...] twentie thou|sand men. where he might apparantlie be|hold the host of his aduersaries, which were accomp|ted thréescore thousand men, and thereof aduertised king Edward, whose whole armie amounted to eight and fortie thousand six hundred and thréescore per|sons: which incontinentlie with the earle of War|wike set forward, leauing the rere-ward vnder the gouernance of sir Iohn Wenlocke, sir Iohn Din|ham, and other. And first of all,An heauie proclamatiõ. he made proclamati|on, that no prisoner should be taken. So the same daie about nine of the clocke, which was the nine and twentith daie of March, being Palmesundaie,Palmesun|daie field both the hostes approched in a faire plaine field, betweene Towton and Saxton.