[1] [2] After this proclamation ended, the lord Faucon|bridge, sir Walter Blunt, Robert Horne with the fore-ward, passed the riuer at Castelford, three miles from Ferribridge, intending to haue inuironed the lord Clifford and his companie. But they being ther|of aduertised, departed in great hast toward king Henries armie; yet they met with some that they loo|ked not for, & were so trapt yer they were aware. For the lord Clifford, either for heat or paine, putting off his gorget, suddenlie with an arrow (as some saie) without an head, was striken into the throte,The lord Clifford [...]. and im|mediatlie rendred his spirit; and the earle of West|merlands brother, and all his companie almost were there slaine, at a place called Dintingdale,Dintingdale not far from Towton. This end had the lord Clifford, which slue the earle of Rutland kneeling on his knees,Crueltie paid with sudden mischiefe. whose yoong sonne Thomas Clifford was brought vp with a sheepheard in poore habit, euer in feare to be knowne, till king Henrie the seuenth obteined the crowne, by whom he was restored to his name and possessions.