[1] [2] And the better to bring that to passe, the lord Clif|ford determined to make a charge vpon them that kept the passage of Ferribridge; and so he departed with his light horssemen from the great armie on the saturdaie before Palmesundaie; and earelie yer his enimies were aware, slue the kéepers and wan the bridge. The lord Fitz Walter hearing the noise, sud|denlie rose out of his bed,The lord Fitz Water slaine. and vnarmed with a pollar in his hand, thinking that it had béene but a fraie a|mongst his men, came downe to appease the same; but yer he knew what the matter meant was slaine, and with him the bastard of Salisburie brother to the earle of Warwike, a valiant yoong gentleman, and of great audacitie.