[1] [2] [3] [4] By which meanes, he gathered togither a puissant armie, to the intent by battell (sithens none other waies would serue) at once to make an end of all. So, his armie and all things prepared, he departed out of London the twelfe daie of March, and by ea|sie iournies came to the castell of Pomfret, where he rested, appointing the lord Fitz Walter to kéepe the passage at Ferribridge with a good number of tall m [...]n. King Henrie on the other part, hauing his ar|mie in readinesse, committed the gouernance there|of to the duke of Summerset, the earle of Northum|berland, and the lord Clifford, as men desiring to re|uenge the death of their parents, slaine at the first battell at saint Albons. These capteins leauing king Henrie, his wife, and sonne, for the most safegard within the citie of Yorke, passed the riuer of Wharfe with all their power, intending to stop king Edward of his passage ouer the riuer of Aire.