[1] [2] [page 664] This part thus plaied, he entered into Westmin|ster church vnder a canopie with solemne procession, and there as king offered; and herewith taking the homages of all the nobles there present, he returned by water to London, and was lodged in the bishops palace;He is procla|med king. and on the morrow after, he was proclamed king by the name of Edward the fourth, throughout the citie. This was in the yeare of the world 5427, and after the birth of our Sauiour 1461 after our ac|compt, beginning the yeare at Christmasse; but after the vsuall accompt of the church of England 1460, the twentith of emperour Frederike the third; the nine and thirtith and last of Charles the seuenth French king; and first yeare of the reigne of Iames the third king of Scots.