[1] [2] [3] When the duke had made an end of his oration, the lords sat still as men striken into a certeine a|mazednesse, neither whispering nor speaking foorth a word, as though their mouthes had beene sowed vp. The duke not verie well content with their silence, aduised them to consider throughlie, and ponder the whole effect of his words and saiengs: and so neither fullie displeased, nor yet altogither content, departed to his lodging in the kings palace. While he was de|claring thus his title in the higher house among the peeres, there happened a strange chance in the verie same, instant amongest the commons in the nether house.Prodigious tokens. A crowne which did hang in the middle of the same to garnish a branch to set lights vpon, without touch of man, or blast of wind, suddenlie fell downe. About the same time also fell downe the crowne which stood on the top of Douer castell. Which chances were construed to be signes, that the crowne of the realme should some waie haue a fall.