[1] [2] Herewith also order was taken for the defense of the hauens & landing places alongst the sea coasts. Sir Simon Montford,Osbert Mõt|ford esquier saith Whet|hamsted, who should also haue gone o|uer to Guines with fiue hun|dred souldiers to the aid of the duke of Summerset. with a great crew of men, was appointed to keepe the downes, and the fiue ports; and all men passing into Flanders were vpon paine of death prohibited to passe by Calis, least the lords there should borrow of them anie prest monie, as they did latelie before of the merchants of the staple the summe of eighteene thousand pounds. The lords were not ignorant of all the kings prouisions made against them, but were ascerteined dailie what was doone euen in the kings priuie chamber: wherefore first they sent a companie to Sandwich vnder the gouernance of the lord Fauconbridge,The lord Faucõbridge was chiefe of this enter|prise saith Whethamsted. who tooke the towne, & sir Simon or Osbert Mont|ford within it, and sent him with all his mates to Ca|lis, where incontinentlie he with twelue of his chiefe fellowes lost their heads on the sand before Rise|banke.Thirtéene beheaded at once.