[1] The earle of March sonne and heire apparant to the said duke, accompanied with the earles of Salis|burie and Warwike, and sir Iohn Wenlocke, got awaie the same night, and came into Deuonshire: where, by the meanes of Iohn Dinham esquier (which after was high treasuror of England, in the daies of king Henrie the seauenth) they bought a ship which cost a hundred and ten marks at Exmouth, and sailed into Gerneseie, after came to Calis, where be|ing let in at the posterne, they were ioifullie wel|comed of their fréends, namelie of sir William Ne|uill lord Fauconbridge, that was the earle of War|wikes vncle, and brother to the earle of Salisburie, who had the towne and castell in kéeping. All these be|ing assembled cast their heads togither, and euerie one seuerallie had his deuise for the perfecting of their purpose, whereto there wanted in them neither will nor hardinesse.