[1] [2] But now to the former purpose. After that the earle was gone ouer to Calis, Anno Reg. 38. the duke of Yorke and the earle of Salisburie, falling in consultation togi|ther, it was at length agréed betwixt them, with ad|uise of their freends, that the said earle of Salisburie with a warlike companie should march toward the king; and signifie to him by waie of complaint, both the manifest iniurie doone to his sonne, and also the vncourteous breach of the sworne amitie and late a|gréement. In which sute if he preuailed, he should not then let passe the occasion giuen for reuenge of dis|pleasures to him doone,The earle of Salisburie gathereth a power. both by the quéene and hir si|nister councellors. After conclusion of this deuise, the earle of Salisburie remooued from Middleham ca|stell, accompanied with foure or fiue thousand men, and tooke his waie through Lancashire,Thrée thou|sand [...]aith Whethamsted to passe that waie towards London.