[1] A solemne procession at Paules.For the open publishing of this ioifull agréement, there was (vpon our ladie daie in March) a solemne procession celebrated within the cathedrall church of saint Paule in London, at the which the king was present in habit roiall, with his crowne on his head. Before him went hand in hand the duke of Sum|merset, the earle of Salisburie, the duke of Excester, and the earle of Warwike; and so one of the one fac|tion, and another of the other: and behind the king the duke of Yorke, and the quéene with great famili|aritie in appeerance leading hand in hand. Anno Reg. 37. W. P. [But what shall be said? As goodlie apples corrupted at core, (how faire coated so euer they seeme) can neuer be made to become sound againe: nor rotten walles new plastered without, can euer the more staie their mooldering inward, till the putrified matter fret through the crust laie all in the mire: so fared it on all parts in this dissembled and counterfet concord.] For after this apparant peace (but inward discord) diuerse of the nobles smallie regarding their honors, forgot their oth, and brake their promise boldlie.