[1] [2] [3] The French nation, Anno Reg. 35. hearing of the ciuall dissen|tion within the realme here, and for an old grudge séeking our annoie, two nauies appointed they to in|uade the townes standing vpon the riuage of the sea. The capteins of the one fléet was William lord Po|miers, and of the other sir Peter Bressie, a great ru|ler in Normandie. These two capteins, taking their course out of the mouth of Saine, seuered themsel|ues, the one westward; and the other eastward, which was sir Peter Bressie, who sailing alongst the coasts of Sussex and Kent, durst not yet take land, but staid in the Downes: and there hauing by espiall perfect notice that Sandwich was neither peopled nor fortified (because that a little before,Sandwich spoiled by the French. the rulers of the towne were from thense departed, for to a|uoid the plague, which sore there afflicted and siue the people) he entered the hauen, spoiled the towne, and after such poore stuffe as he there found rifled and taken, he fearing an assemblie of the countrie, short|lie gat him awaie.