* This yeare was Thomas Bourchier bishop of Elie (sonne to the countesse of Stafford, Fr. Thin. Anno Reg. 32. 1454 and brother to Henrie Bourchier earle of Essex) remooued to the see of Canturburie; who in the yeare after the word became flesh and appeared in humane shape 1443, first obteined the sée of Elie (although once before he was by the king put backe from thence after his election of the couent therevnto, and confirmation of the pope) being translated from Worcester to the said sée of Elie, the twelfth daie of March in the said yeare 1443. This man (after that he had remained at Elie ten yeares, thrée and twentie wéekes, and fiue daies) was (as is before said) in this yeare 1454 remooued to Canturburie by Nicholas the fift then bishop of Rome. After this he was made chancellor, which office he obteined the seauenth of March, in the yeare 1455, being the thrée and thirtith yeare of king Henrie the sixts reigne. Lastlie he was aduanced to the dignitie of cardinall by pope Paule the second, in the yeare of our Lord 1465, of whome is made a more liberall discourse in a In a tretise hereafter fol|lowing.tretise of the liues of the chancellors of England: a place of no small authori|tie and reputation.]