Anno Reg. 30. Iohn Hooker, aliàs Vowell. The king re|ceiued into Excester.[This yeare the king made a generall progresse and came to the citie of Excester, on mondaie the sixtéenth of Iulie at after noone, being the feast daie of saint Kenelme; and was receiued from place to place verie honorablie through the whole countrie. Before he came to this citie, he was met by all the cleargie in their degrées, some thrée miles, some two miles, and some at the citie, all in their copes, censing all the waies as they went. As soone as he came to this citie, he was first conducted to the cathedrall church in all most honourable order. When he had doone his oblations, he was conueied and lodged in the bishops house. During his abode here, there was a sessions kept before the duke of Summerset, and certeine men condemned to die for treason, and had iudgement to be executed to death.