[1] This rumor published abroad, caused the king and certeine of his councell (for the appeasing thereof) to commit the lord Saie treasuror of England to the Tower of London; and if other (against whome like displeasure was borne) had beene present, they had béene likewise committed. Iacke Cade vpon victo|rie against the Staffords, apparelled himselfe in sir Humfries brigan [...]ine set full of guilt nailes, and so in some glorie returned againe toward London; di|uerse idle and vagarant persons out of Sussex, Sur|reie and other places, still increasing his number. Thus this glorious capteine, garded with a multi|tude of rusticall people, came againe to the plaine of Blackheath, & there stronglie incamped himselfe: to whome were sent from the king, the archbishop of Canturburie, and Humfrie duke of Buckingham, to common with him of his gréefes and requests.