[1] [2] The quéene (that bare rule) being of his retrait aduertised, sent sir Humfreie Stafford knight, and William his brother, with manie other gentlemen, to follow the Kentishmen, thinking that they had fled: but they were deceiued, for at the first skirmish both the Staffords were slaine,The Staf|fords slaine at Senocke by Iacke Cade. & all their companie discomfited. The kings armie by this time comen to Blackheath, hearing of this discomfiture, began to murmur amongst themselues: some wishing the duke of Yorke at home to aid the capteine his cou|sine: s [...]me vndutifullie coueting the ouerthrow of the king and his councell: other openlie crieng out on the quéene and hir complices.