[For whilest the French thus triumphed in Nor|mandie, Anno Reg 2 [...]. W. P. [page 631] thrée cruell enimies among manie (as by ci|uill warre and sedition insuing appeared) sore vrged the vtter ruine of this reame at home. One was pre|sumption in gouernance, by some that were most vn|méet to rule, as the queene with hir priuie counsel|lors and minions; then the deadlie malice and pride, with insatiable couetise in the states both spirituall and temporall: and lastlie the generall grudge of the people, for the vniuersall smart that through misgo|uernment euerie where they suffered; who thus for|weried with the peise of burthens too heauie for them anie longer to beare.]