[1] [2] As the affaires in France now were neither well looked to, nor the gouernours there well aduised, Anno Reg. [...]. an English capteine called sir Francis Suriennes,Sir Francis Suriennes. sur|named the Aragonois, of the countrie where he was borne, a man for his wit and actiuitie admitted into the order of the garter, tooke by scaling suddenlie in the night of the euen of our ladie daie in Lent, a towne on the frontiers of Normandie, belonging to the duke of Britaine called Fougiers,Fougiers. spoiling the same, and killing the inhabitants. The duke of Bri|taine, [page 629] being hereof aduertised, sent word by the bi|shop of Reimes to the French king, beseeching him of his aid and counsell in the matter.