[1] In this six and twentith yeare of the reigne of this king, but in the first of the rule of the quéene, Anno Reg. [...]6 I find nothing doone worthie of rehersall within the realme of England; but that the marquesse of Suffolke, by great fauour of the king, & more desire of the quéene, was erected to the title and dignitie of duke of Suf|folke, which he a short time inioied.Marquesse of Suffolke made duke. For Richard duke of Yorke being greatlie alied by his wife to the chiefe peeres and potentates of the realme, beside his owne progenie, perceiuing the king to be no ruler, but the whole burthen of the realme to rest in direction of the quéene, & the duke of Suffolke, began secretlie to al|lure his friends of the nobilitie;The duke of Yorke tempe|ring about his title to the crowne. and priuilie declared vnto them his title and right to the crowne, and like|wise did he to certeine wise gouernours of diuerse cities and townes. Which attempt was so politikelie handled, and so secretlie kept, that prouision to his purpose was readie, before his purpose was openlie published; and his friends opened themselues, yer the contrarie part could them espie: for in conclusion all shortlie in mischiefe burst out as ye may hereafter heare.