[1] [2] Whilest the warres betwéene the two nations of England & France ceassed (by occasion of the truce) the minds of men were not so quiet, Anno Reg. 25. but that such as were bent to malicious reuenge, sought to compasse their prepensed purpose, not against forren foes and enimies of their countrie, but against their owne countrie men, and those that had deserued verie well of the common-wealth: and this speciallie for ouer|much mildnesse in the king, who by his authoritie might haue ruled both parts, and ordered all diffe|rences betwixt them, but that in déed he was thought too soft for gouernor of a kingdome.The descrip|tion of the quéene. The quéene con|trariwise, a ladie of great wit, and no lesse courage, desirous of honour, and furnished with the gifts of reason, policie, and wisedome; but yet sometime (ac|cording to hir kind) when she had béene fullie bent on a matter, suddenlie like a weather cocke, mu|table and turning.