[1] Th [...] marques of Suffolke, chéefest in fa|uour and au|thoritie with the king and quéene.By the quéenes meanes shortlie after also was the said marquesse aduanced so in authoritie, that he ruled the king at his pleasure, and to his high prefer|ment obteined the wardships both of the bodie and lands of the countesse of Warwike, and of the ladie Margaret sole heire to Iohn duke of Summerset, which ladie was afterward moother to king Henrie the seauenth: and besides that, caused the king to create Iohn de Fois, sonne vnto Gaston de Fois, earle of Longuile, and the Capdau de Beufe earle of Kendall, which Iohn had married his néece, and by his procurement the king elected to the order of the garter the said Gaston, and Iohn his sonne, gi|uing to the sonne towards the maintenance of his degrée, lands and castels, amounting to the summs of one thousand pounds, which lands, name, and stile the issue and line of the said earle of Kendall at this daie haue and inioy.