[1] [2] [3] This yeare, after the deceasse of Henrie Chicheleie archbishop of Canturburie, succeeded Iohn Stafford in that sée, being translated from Bath and Wels. He was the thréescore and one archbishop, as Poly|dor noteth. During the time of the truce, Richard duke of Yorke and diuerse other capteins repaired into England, both to visit their wiues, children, and fréends, and also to consult what should be doone, if the truce ended. Anno Reg. 24. For the which cause a parlement was called, in the which it was especiallie concluded, that by good foresight Normandie might be so furni|shed for defense before the end of the truce, that the French king should take no aduantage through want of timelie prouision: for it was knowne, that if a peace were not concluded,The duke of Summerset made regent of Normãdie, and the duke of Yorke dis|charged. the French king did prepare to imploie his whole puissance to make open warre. Héerevpon monie was granted, an armie le|uied, and the duke of Summerset appointed to be re|gent of Normandie, and the duke of Yorke thereof discharged.