[1] Anno Reg. 22.Whilest England was vnquieted (as you haue heard) and France by spoile, slaughter, and burning sore defaced (a mischeefe in all places much lamen|ted) therefore to agrée the two puissant kings, all the princes of christendome trauelled so effectuouslie by their oratours and ambassadours,The diet at Tours for a peace to be had betwéene England and France. that a diet was appointed to be kept at the citie of Tours in Tou|raine; where for the king of England appeared Wil|liam de la Poole earle of Suffolke, doctor Adam Mo|lins kéeper of the kings priuie seale, also sir Robert Ros, and diuers other. And for the French king were appointed Charles duke of Orleance, Lewes de Bourbon earle of Uandosme, great maister of the French kings houshold, Piers de Bresse steward of Poictou, and Bertram Beautian lord of Pr [...]|signie.