Abr. Fl. ex [...]a [...]ian. 438.¶ Upon the daie of the translation of saint Ed|ward, or the twelfth of October, vpon which daie the maior and his brethren for the yeare following, and daie when the commoners of the citie,Tailors ma|lepertnesse at the election of an alderman. after their an|cient custome had chosen two aldermen, such as be|fore had béene shiriffes of London and of Middlesex, namelie Robert Clopton draper, and Rafe Holland tailo [...] and them presented by name vnto the maior and his brethren, then sitting in the vtter chamber where the maiors courts be kept, to the intent that the said maior and his brethren might choose one of the said two, such as they thought most necessarie and worshipfull for the roome; the said maior and his brethren choosing Robert Clopton, brought him after downe vpon his right hand towards the hall. Where|of when certeine tailors there present were aware, and saw that Rafe Holland was not chosen, anon they cried; Nay, nay: not this, but Rafe Holland. Wherewith the old maior being astonished, stood still vpon the staire, and commanded them to keepe si|lence, and so held on his waie to the east end of the hall, where he sat him downe, and his brethren about him. In the meane time, the said tailors continued their crie, and incensed others of base tra [...]es of the ci|tie (as simple persons) to take their part, and to crie as fast as they, not proffering to cease their misrule for all that the maior could saie, no nor yet when the maiors sergeant at armes had cried O [...]yes. Here|vpon the maior, to appease the rumor, sent downe the shiriffes, and commanded them to take the offendors, and send them to the goale; which precept was fulfil|led, & about twelue or sixteene of the principall com|mitted to Newgate, where some of them abode a long time imprisoned; and others that were fined set at libertie. This is reported by Polychronicon, but in somewhat a differing maner.1442 [...]nno Reg. 21.]